This page will grow as I gradually add the stories of priests, like Fr. Haley, who brought the homosexual problem out into the open and were punished for it. Most left the priesthood after on-going persecution. They too dared to ask the forbidden question and paid the price. Some exposed the embezzlement of homosexual priests robbing their parishes to maintain lavish lifestyles. Others dared to proclaim the truths of Church doctrine and were instructed to stop rocking the boat. Too many good men have received the boot while dissenting priests have been promoted and given plum assignments. Pray for the priests who served well and deserved better.
Fr. Michael Madden hired a private eye to investigate the financial chicanery of his pastor, Fr. Jude Fay, when the diocese of Bridgeport wouldn't do anything. Fr. Fay stole over a million dollars from the parish. But who got condemned for taking things into his own hands? Guess? Many articles are linked from the one below.
Latest from Darien, CT: Fr. Madden leaves, Fr. Fay denies
Fr. John Nesbella, Diocese of Altoona
Fr. Christopher Buckner, Diocese of Arlington
Bishop Loverde, Where is Fr. Buckner?
Somber Weather and Somber Thoughts
11 hours ago
I would like to know what happened to one Christopher McKelvey who after finishing seminary was assigned to a one year internship under the pastorship of Fr Manupella.......after reading the news stories and the legal briefs one realizes the young man did everything in his power to be moved to another parish and or received into another Diocese for Ordination .However, he was blackballed.......a friend called his attorney on the behest of a priest who did not want him to lose his voacation.The attorney said sadly, "He has lost his Faith".
ReplyDeleteInfo can be found on bishopaccountability under Fr Manupella........
perhaps the answers as to why this happening can be gleaned from this......
March 7, 2009
In 2004 a reliable source of information about the Catholic Church made me aware of a document about the American hierarchy that was composed by a small group of insiders including at least one bishop. That document claimed and named 134 bishops that they said were homosexual in orientation or behavior. Several times over the past years I have asked one of the sources to make the list public and to take responsibility for its conclusions. I am told that every one of the authors wants to preserve his anonymity because of his position and employment.
For the moment, suspend judgment or arguments about numbers or sources, accuracy or validation of the list. One does not have to depend on that document to say responsibly that, “Yes, some U. S. bishops are gay and have been sexually active”. What does the fact of the existence of the question mean? The question about the sexuality of bishops is complex, but it is by no means prurient or peripheral to the sexual crisis in the American church—and to the authentic teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. Whatever one’s opinion, the question is dangerous, but it is necessary to address openly.
The sexual crisis confronting the Roman Catholic Church is central to its mission of salvation to modern civilization. The crisis of sexual abuse is merely one aspect of the unaddressed sexual concerns of the church. The agenda vitally impinges on the question of humanity and Christian life. Already in 1986 theologian William Shea listed what he called the tangle of issues that religious leadership has failed to credibly and honestly face up to and deal with. No one has identified the reality of the challenges better or more succinctly: They are: family life, divorce and remarriage, premarital and extramarital sex, birth control, abortion, homosexuality, masturbation, the role of women in the ministry, their ordination to the priesthood, the celibacy of the clergy, the male monopoly of leadership. Some have suggested that sex is, at bottom, the issue that clogs up our Catholic calendar. Fear of women, and perhaps hatred of them, may well be just what we have to work out of the Catholic system.[1] The sexual behavior and orientation of the hierarchy are essential questions to address and relevant to understand the “how’s” and “why’s” of the clergy sexual abuse crisis as well as the sexual agenda that faces the Church.
In our May 15 Dialogue we will address THIS DANGEROUS QUESTION.
[1] Commonweal. November 7, 1986
God Bless Fr Haley for his honesty. In the Eastern Churches St Mary of Egypt is held as a great Saint.She was a great sinner albeit, extremely honest and admiittedly fornicated for bodily pleasure.She exchanged her passage on a pilgrimage to honor the True Cross through sexual favors.However when arriving at the chapel she was barred from entrance by a mysterious hand......after several attempts she realized it was her sins of fornication that kept her out and she knelt and cried in repentance...she then was successful in gaining entrance.Afterward, she was led out into the desert by the Mother of God.She spent the rest of her life as a hermit and was sought out by a priest for whom she proved a great inspiration.
ReplyDeleteThe virtue that brought her to God through repentance and which she always possessed was honesty.She is an example to all Bishops who need to stand on that virtue......
...and perhaps a patron to Fr Haley
her prayer....Prayer to Saint Mary of Egypt
Saint Mary of Egypt, being chased from the church by an angel with a sword; kneeling before a skull; naked but clothed with long hair; receiving Holy Communion from Saint Zosimus; sitting under a palm tree and looking across the Jordan; washing her hair in the Jordan; with Mary Magdalene; with the lion who dug her grave; woman holding three loaves of bread; please pray for us, that we may always be pure and persevere until our dying breathe.
Saint Mary of Egypt, Pray for us
I knew Fr. Buckner at St. Mary's and can't disagree with other comments about his personality, but at the same time, he was a holy priest who cared about the Church, the Eucharist, vocations and our souls. I saw Fr. Buckner at Dulles Airport several years ago. He said he was returning from a trip to Chicago to visit his sister. He was not wearing his collar. My pastor told me sometime after that encounter, that he didn't know of Fr. Buckner's status, but that he was working at IAD. It bothers me that the Church will make public accusations, but then no resolution is ever published, supposedly "for the privacy" of those involved.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more. They just disappear...poof!...and are never heard of again.