But let me introduce readers to the rising Episcopal bishop in question who Boland so clearly affirms. His name is Scott Benhase and he was elected to head the Diocese of Georgia in 2009. His installation as 10th bishop of Georgia took place in January.
From the liberal branch of the church, Benhase is known for blessing same-sex unions and for affirming the election of active homosexual bishop Gene Robinson. David Virtue writing at his website Virtue Online, has this to say about him:
Benhase has voiced support of the national church's decision to allow gays and lesbians to be ordained as deacons and priests. "Our church has acted with humility in faith, and I believe that the church has acted rightly," he said in an August sermon to members of St. Alban's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. one of five parishes where he has been rector.
One local resident, Jamie Maury, a member of the local chapter of Integrity USA, the openly Episcopal pansexual organization, praised the election of Benhase. “This is an encouraging sign for Episcopalians who support gay and lesbian clergy. We're very excited, very happy," he said....
In other sermon revelations, Benhase compares Jesus to a Zen master. In a sermon delivered at St. Alban’s in Washington DC he said, “The reason Jesus sounds like Zen Master in today’s Gospel is that too many people don’t understand what Jesus is up to.” Really.
That he accepts such non-biblical and unholy sexual positions and calls the church’s actions filled with “humility in faith” shows that he is not in touch with Biblical revelation....
He will say and do nothing to give gospel-driven Georgian Episcopalians any hope or comfort. They have no future in his diocese. He will, over time, squash them like bugs, all in the name of “humility in faith” of course, not to mention inclusivity, diversity, pluriformity and any all other Episcopal shibboleths.That Bishop Boland would participate in the installation of Scott Benhase amidst the rainbow vestments and clownlike costume of the presiding female bishop, Katharine Jefferts Schori, advertises his lack of orthodoxy and even common sense. Bishop Boland (and the monsignor accompanying him) deserve to be publicly rebuked for their public scandal. Photos from the event clearly indicate they participated actively by joining the processional and recessional. They should not have attended the event in any capacity because they could not do so without giving scandal.
The die has been cast it is only a matter of time. You will conform or else. Benhase has spoken.
On January 23, Benhase will be consecrated the 10th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia in a formal ceremony taking place at the Savannah International Trade & Convention Center. It will be his beginning; for orthodox clergy and laity in the diocese it will be their end.
It is ironic to me that Bishop Boland who has engaged in the persecution of an orthodox Catholic in his diocese, has no problem giving his approval to a clergyman who is a champion ear tickler and anything but orthodox. But the two things obviously fit together. The wolf runs with other wolves and together they feed on the lambs. That he continues to be a bishop in the Church while my brother in Christ, Fr. Haley, was cast out frankly makes me sick.
I hope you'll pray for Bishop Boland and the poor people of his diocese. Fr. John Hardon, a holy Jesuit (yes, there are a few), used to say that the faith would disappear in entire dioceses in the United States. I think he must have had Savannah in mind. May God have mercy on Bishop Boland's poor flock.
As for Bishop Scott Benhase, you can read the complete article quoted above which is linked in the articles sidebar and for another article see:
Destruction From Within, Georgia Style
And now for the photos:
The presiding bishop, Katharine Schori, in what can only be described as an outlandish and clownish costume, walks in the entrance procession. When the Episcopal Church began ordaining women and homosexuals it threw dignity to the wind, but this is almost laughable. She makes me think of the Queen of Hearts.
Bishop Boland walking in the entrance procession.
A closer shot of the entrance procession showing Bishop Boland and his companion, who appears to be a monsignor, walking together.
I believe this is a shot of the recessional procession
Take a close look at the bishop's face in the last photo. Just like the Picture of Dorian Gray.
ReplyDeleteHe's been an Episcopalian all along.
ReplyDeleteEcumenism covers a multitude of sins (Cf. 1 Peter 4:8).
ReplyDeleteIts too bad the world ended when this happened!