Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Another Whistleblower Priest Gets the Shaft

Fr. John Gallagher
While the bishop cover-ups of abusive priests is supposed to be behind us, in some places they continue. And whistleblower priests who, like Fr. James Haley, expose sexual scandals, continue to face persecution. Here's the latest from Palm Beach, FL, a diocese with a history of scandal and a reputation for being riddled with homosexual clergy.

Fr. John Gallagher, an Irish priest, serving in Florida reported a visiting Indian priest for showing multiple pornographic pictures of naked boys to a 14-year-old boy. The diocese wanted him "disappeared" but Father called the cops. And here's what happened next.

Diocese of Palm Beach Retaliates against Priest who Exposed Minor's Sex Abuse 

You can get a better idea of Fr. Gallagher by reading a 2006 interview in the Sun Sentinel. He sounds like a good priest doing his best to shepherd the flock. Please pray for him.

See more here including a video of the priest.

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