Friday, February 17, 2017

Do You Ever Wonder How We Got into the Mess We're In?

Well here's one answer:

Gregory Baum is a Sodomite! What a surprise ...

Not only a sodomite, but a multiple vow breaker! He violated his priestly vows. Then he married and violated his marital vows by committing adultery with an active priest who was breaking his vows. 


And one of the big spokesmen for the Vatican, Fr. Rosica, has said of this disgusting man:
"Gregory, we've known each other for a long time. ... I've certainly admired very much your theology, your writings, but also your love of the Church, your love of Christ, and you help to keep alive not only the spirit of the Second Vatican Council but the authentic teaching of the Council."
Is it any wonder we're in a mess? Think about it. Baum was one of the special advisers at Vatican II on ecumenism. [Maybe that helps to explain the current enthusiasm for Martin Luther, another slave to lust.] He wrote the first draft of the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate, the Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions.  He's written over a dozen books, none of which I've read or plan to read, but consider how much scandal he's committed (and continues to commit) throughout his long life. What a pile of evidence for the accuser at his trial on Judgment Day.

Everything that's happening today with sodomy in the Church confirms just how right Fr. Haley was. And yet, he was booted out of the Church and the priesthood while these out and proud sodomites continue to brag about their sins. Like the people of Shinbar who built the tower of Babel, they raise their lust to the heavens in pride. In that they are like their Father, Lucifer.

Pray for Holy Mother Church in the grips of sodomite clergy who are praised with lying affirmations of their "love of the Church" and "love of Christ." 

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