Here are a variety of articles relating to the homosexual problem in the Church. It's interesting to note that there is no instruction on homosexuals in the priesthood that rises to the level of Canon Law. Why not? The statement of a Congregation simply does not have the weight equal to the seriousness of the problem. Pray that Holy Mother Church will address the fullness of truth by declaring unequivocally in Canon Law that homosexuals may not be ordained and those who are presently in the clergy may not hold positions of authority.
Openly Homosexual Phoenix Priest Who Endorsed "Naked Boys Singing" Movie Excommunicated
Homosexuals Not Permitted in Any Seminaries
On Priesthood and Those With Homosexual Tendencies
Instruction From Congregation for Catholic Education
Notable Articles, Documents, and Quotes on the Church Abuse Crisis
Question for the Day: Are You Lost in the Cosmos?
19 hours ago
Thanks for asking. I answered with today's post.