Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mahony Ordered Cover-Up of Priest's Criminal Abuse!

Sex abuse cover-up by L.A. Archdiocese is alleged

According to a former vicar of clergy deposed on Friday in a civil case against the bishop, Mahony knew about Fr. Michael Baker's problem of diddling young boys for over twenty years and kept it under wraps! TWENTY YEARS! He enabled it and allowed Fr. Baker to be moved from praish to parish to molest over and over again. Now let's see. Fr. Baker was allowed to continue in ministry abusing children, but Fr. James Haley was pitched out for telling Bishop Loverde about his homosexual priest problem.

Can someone please explain the justice of this to me? I've been trying to figure it out ever since Fr. Haley was removed from ministry. And it still makes no sense. A priest is thrown out for telling the bishop about homosexuals in ministry who are a clear and present danger to young men. A year later when Fr. Haley is deposed in a civil case against the dioces (under oath) and the court releases the deposition, the bishop begins the process to throw him out permanently. "Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?" Sure looks like killing the messenger.

Meanwhile, Mahony the enabler, who spent $1.3 million settling with one of the abused youngsters, is still out there in La La Land running the diocese into the ground. He belongs in jail for criminal conspiracy. At some point in those 20 years, Mahone was a mandatory reporter. Of course these days, the dioceses have shifted the role of mandatory reporters to unwitting volunteers who have no idea they can be held criminally liable if a child is molested in the parish on their watch. Do they know it? Probably not. But that's okay, the bishops are resting easier.

Don't hold your breath waiting for enabling bishops to pay for their crimes. Some criminals are more equal than others.

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