Well, the word coming down from on high is that Fr. Haley has been excommunicated and defrocked. This has been personally confirmed to me by someone who should know, but don't expect to hear about it anywhere official. There's something about this case that makes authorities skittish. After all, we can't acknowledge the elephant in the sanctuary, the homosexual priest problem. Every new homosexual scandal is met by the three monkeys with ears, eyes, and mouth covered. ("Psst...ignore the elephant until he goes away.") So Fr. Haley will continue to be the invisible man.
Strange, isn't it?
The Vatican released a notification over the excommunication of heretic priest Tissa Balasuriya, but Fr. Haley who is guilty of no more than making his bishop upset for revealing too much about the homosexual subculture in Arlington, simply disappeared without a trace. I have the feeling that if he had experienced an open trial we would have heard testimony by at least one chancery official that was perjury from start to finish. In secular court one has the right to be faced with one's accusers, but in Fr. Haley's case, I understand the accusation used to secure his conviction was summarized by the chancery and the "accuser" never appeared. Isn't that hearsay evidence which would not be allowed in a real trial grounded in justice?
But the story gets worse. Fr. Haley was cut off financially by the diocese last summer and now has no income. His situation has deteriorated from living a nomad's existence in a motor home with a small income to living with no income at all except what he can pick up from odd jobs. He needs work.
Before he entered the priesthood, Fr. Haley was an engineer. He is technologically oriented and I understand he's interested in finding a technical type job. If anybody has leads to suggest or a job to offer, please post them in the comments section. And please continue your prayers. Consider how the heretics go on and on. They write books, speak at diocesan functions, thumb their noses at the Church, with nary a cluck to upset their scandal. Fr. Gerard Sloyan, the architect of the disastrous feeling-based catechetics that destroyed the faith of a generation and a promoter of the "fundamental option" heresy, gives courses in Arlington regularly.
Fr. Haley, on the other hand, was crucified for "being a snoop" as one priest said to me. In view of the devastation the homosexual cabal is inflicting on the Church (Check out the war in in Minnesota where the homosexual/pro-homosexual priests are currently fighting their bishop over an amendment on the ballot to protect traditional marriage.), we could use more "snoops" like Fr. Haley.
Pray for Bishop Loverde. He has a lot to answer for. Our God is a God of mercy, but justice is the flip side of the coin. He used his authority to draw and quarter a good priest. A day of accounting is on the calendar.
Are you praying for the pope?
17 hours ago
I am confused. I can see being defrocked in disobedience to the Bishop, not that it is fair, but excommunication? I am really confused how that fits in?
ReplyDeleteThis happened to the late Fr. John O'Connor and you can watch him on you tube speak about it.
ReplyDeleteI think Fr. Haley needs to contact the SSPX.
I think the time has finally arrived for the faithful laity to take extreme actions to save the Chruch
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, Here's my understanding. The chancery got Fr. Haley on an old charge that Bishop Keating had already looked into about his having a sexual relationship with a woman. He didn't, although he would admit himself that what started as spiritual direction was beginning to get too intimate and he stopped it. She wasn't in his parish but turned up there almost every day according to a friend of mine at the parish, so who was pursuing whom?
ReplyDeleteAt any rate, Fr. Haley was accused of absolving a partner in sexual sin which carries an automatic excommunication I believe. The woman involved never testified but hearsay evidence was presented. The reality is that since the chancery couldn't get him on the substance of the matter (He never disobeyed the bishop, but did respond to a legal subpoena to be deposed by Jim Lambert's lawyer in the Verrecchia civil lawsuit case.) At that point the chancery dredged up the old case to use it as the gallows' issue. And obviously it worked. Father Haley had no money to fight and his canon lawyer quit after being told he'd never work again in the Church if he continued to defend him. Bishops are powerful men. I expect if I were a religious I'd have been silenced long ago.
A long time ago a monk at the Trappist Abbey of Gethsemane in Kentucky told me this:
ReplyDelete"I have been here since 1941, I arrived the same year as Father Louis (Thomas Merton). The vow of poverty has never bothered me -- I was born poor and have been poor all my life. Chastity, thank God, was never a problem. But obedience?
"Obedience: I thank God on my knees every day that I am still here."
Christopher, I just read a great editorial by you in The Wanderer entitled "Homophobia Phobia." It was well written. and raised a most troubling point. As Mary Ann Kreitzer wrote in one of these comments, we cannot mention the elephant in the sanctuary because of the political correctness imposed by pop culture on the powers that be in the American Church. It is so sad that bishops capitulate to such expectations. Here is a link to a terrific post making a very similar point from someone paying a terrible price for such capitulation: http://www.thesestonewalls.com/gordon-macrae/be-wary-of-crusaders-the-devil-sigmund-freud-knew-only-too-well/.
DeleteMy God. Excommunicated? This is horrible.
ReplyDeleteWithou a letter of rescript or notice from Fr. Haley himself, I find this article and the charges of laicization and excommunication less than convincing.
ReplyDeleteI have lived int the diocese since 1995, and coming from the Richmond diocese, this has been a breath of fresh orthodox air. Regarding the disputes between Fr. Haley & the Bishop, all I can say is that priest take a vow of obedience and must live by it. We have seen how St. Padre Pio suffered a reduced clerical state unjustly, but remained obedient.
We are members of the Church, we are subject to the Bishops at all times.
ReplyDeleteA bishop in his diocese speaks for Christ. It is Christ's authority that he possesses and wields.
Sounds to me that both the Bishop and the good Father need to spend a little more time in prayer and self-examination.
It irks the crap out of me when faithful Catholics calumnize Bishops because they do not aprrove of the way they execute their responsibilities.
You simply cannot know everything that the Bishop knows about these matters.
I respectfully request that you focus your time on helping the good Father Haley find a job, home, etc. to pray for his good fortune and health and for you recognize that, no matter how well intended you may be, that God placed the Bishop in charge of that case...not you.
After the Homosexual Molestation scandal you dare to post this?
DeleteThere are jobs out there. Can you give more details about his technical background? Being an "engineer" is too general. He should have also fled to the FSSP and incardinated with them. He should still consider that option.
DeleteHow have I "calumnized" the bishop? Even St. Thomas Aquinas called for the public criticism of bishops when they commit public scandal. The persecution of priests in this diocese is a public scandal. Fr. Haley is only one among many. Meanwhile we continue to have a homosexual subculture in Arlington of which many priests are well aware. It's interesting that Bishop Loverde never comes down hard on them unless, of course, somebody blows the whistle, sometimes a housekeeper who discovers the porn in Father's bedroom while she's cleaning. Often she takes it to another priest in the parish who then has the dilemma. They all know what happened to Fr. Haley for revealing homosexuality. It is the orthodox priests in this diocese who get hammered often for ridiculous and trivial matters. I know at least a dozen, some of whom are gone. Others try to keep their heads down.
Delete"It irks the crap out of me when faithful Catholics calumnize Bishops because they do not aprrove of the way they execute their responsibilities."
DeleteYou've got to be kidding. I bet you would have been singing Archbishop Nestorius' praises too, huh?
I guess you would be irked crapless then that the Church canonized John Fisher, the only bishop to publicly oppose Henry Tudor's heresy. The other 30+ bishops just went along with Henry for the ride. But hey, speak no evil, right? Whistle right past their moral cowardice?
DeleteI believe it was St. John who taught that, "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."
Oh, and would it be impolitic to mention the massive defection of bishops to the Arian heresy until called to their senses by the faithful (See: Sensum fidelium).
Papal infallibility is a doctrine that states that the Holy Father when teaching ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals is inerrant. I don't think that the same guarantee extends to the mundane actions bishops who after all are subject to the same concupiscence as the rest of us.
We must acknowledge with respect the authority, role, and the place of the bishop, but where is it written that we must be silent in the face of injustice. No bishop should want or expect that. Were he to do so, his fitness for his orders would be in question.
If all this is true, it is just one more indication that the Vatican II Church is no longer Roman Catholic. It has become a schismatic "Ecumenical Catholic Church."
ReplyDeleteSorry, the bishops have collectively failed the Mystical Body. They are servants of the law not its master. Seems they have never read the letters of St. Paul to Timothy or Titus which involves rules for good ecclesial order. Their infidelity has caused problems for Fr. Haley and others... swift will be the judgment.
ReplyDeleteIf this is the case, could we petition the Vatican with a signed letter to inform us on the matter for the spiritual welfare and peace of the faithful in Virginia? If we got about 500 signatures, I am sure it would solicit a response.
Since it's been asked why excommunication,
ReplyDeleteCanon 977 says that "The absolution of an accomplice in a sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue is invalid except in danger of death."
Can. 1378 §1. A priest who acts against the prescript of ⇒ can. 977 incurs a latae sententiae excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See.
According to this reference book on canon law, canon law 977 attaches if the sin is sexual in nature, not necessarily intercourse, as long as it is "external."
According to his testimony, she exposed her breasts to him, and placed his hands on each breast, and asked if her post-operative, reconstructed breast felt the same as her natural breast. Being an accomplice to this action does not mean that HE had sinful intent, merely that it was sinful for her, and he was a party to it.
I don't know that he was found guilty of this, I don't know that he was guilty of this.
That sounds like a great idea, Phil. If you spearhead it, I'll be glad to promote it on both my blogs.
ReplyDeleteMary Ann,
DeleteDoes Michael Voris follow your blog, like you do his? Maybe he could promote it as well. Why limit it to Arlington?
Mrs. Kreitzer,
ReplyDeleteI'll see what I can do. It will have to be a covert operation so that it doesn't get thwarted before signatures are collected and before it arrives in Rome.
Shame on you for printing such words about our Bishop, God's anointed. How dare that you presume to know more about this situation than he.
ReplyDeleteShame on you Mrs. Kreitzer and your "snoops." Obviously, you and your followers have far too much time on their hands. Our good priests and Bishop don't need your nose in their business. It amazes me that so much time is wasted snooping into the affairs of others for which you know nothing about except through hearsay.
ReplyDeleteGosh, you sound like the bishops who told parents it was shameful to drag the Church through the mud unless they kept quiet about their children being molested. Maybe the Church needs a few more snoops to expose the persecution of good priests by the same bishops who covered up the child sex abuse by the bad ones.
ReplyDeleteThink the person who commented at 4:40 p.m. on 1/28 was referring to your blog concerning Father Haley. Definitely not the child sex abuse problems as defined in your response.
ReplyDeleteI understand that. My point was that it's all part of the secrecy that enables bishops to act unjustly in the dark -- like they did with the clerical abuse scandals.
DeleteFr. Haley was hammered for bringing the bishop information he didn't want to hear. Instead of dealing with his homosexual problem; he "killed" the messenger -- literally. Bishop Loverde killed Fr. Haley's priesthood. That's what is shameful.
Mary Ann, you might want to speak with Fr. Scalia. He has info to explain what really underlies Fr. H's problem. I'm no fan of most bishops, but you need to know more. Meanwhile, Fr. Haley needs our prayers.
ReplyDeleteI think it was St. Athanasius who said that the floor of Hell is littered with the mitres (or was it heads?) of bishops.
ReplyDeleteRead Rite of Sodomy by Randy Engel and Ambition and Arrogance by Douglas Slawson. The history of the lavender boys in the US Church goes back to the early 1900s. Cardinals O'Connell and Spellman were two notorious homosexuals, especially the latter. The problem was bad enough by the 1950s. Throw in Vatican II and the collapse of any remaining discipline in the Church and you can explain scandal after scandal in the US Church. Homosexuality is in every part of the Church, even some of the Latin Mass societies. It's a nightmare beyond belief.
ReplyDeleteYeah I grew up in the diocese of Richmond too. I saw the mass change from tridentine to all of the perversions that Walter Sullivan presented in the seventies up until I left in 1981. A couple of years ago I was refused communion on the tongue while in Virginia Beach visiting family. I had a relative that was very prominent in the diocese, a monsignor and he was forced to retire by the reprobate. I have lived in about 10 dioceses across the country and am now in Arlington for the second time.
ReplyDeleteAs far as what is in this posting regarding the Bishop, I concur. I think he is unfit, though not by the view of the reprobate in the church. Judas was one of Christ's original 12 and there is no reason to think that we too are not a church laden with such problems. We are also not bound to be silent when it comes to wrong doing. The problems with this bishop are far beyond Father Haley, and Phil, I will be happy to assist, in fact, I now you.
I would be happy to sign a petition for Fr. Haley. In the meantime, does anyone know where he is? I'd much rather send him money than to donate to the Bishop's Lenten Appeal.
ReplyDeletewow! just came across this today... i'm across the river in MD... never knew about Father Haley's story.. what has happened to our Church? Love my faith, love the Gospels, but this is is just so infuriating. Why is this person still a bishop??? Who can you trust anymore? (just the way Satan would like it..) atleast we'll always have Christ Himself; the Way, the Truth, the Life..
ReplyDeleteTell him to look on Craigslist for a job. I'm a middle-aged stay-at-home wife with M.S. who was recently abandoned by my adulterous husband. I now need a job, too. It's pitiful that Fr. Haley doesn't speak out himself and condemn the evils in the post conciliar church, much less needs a woman to find a job for him. Speak, Fr. Haley! Condemn the infiltration of the Catholic Church by modernists, freemasons, jews, and communists. Where's Fr. Haley, indeed?!
Try applying to the US Patent and Trademarks Office. It's located in Alexandria, VA. I don't know if they are hiring now but it's worth a shot. They accept people with technical degrees. It's mostly boring legal work, examining patent claims and searching through databases but it'll pay the bills.
ReplyDeleteRead the deposition transcript. Anyone know what the hierarchy of the Diocese of Arlington had to say after the pregnancy, divorce, and marriage of Ms. Lambert to Verrecchia?
ReplyDeleteI didn't read this article and the comments until August 2008. My "favorite" (not) was the anonymous who one might think worships bishops simply because of the job they were appointed to. I published a magazine in Ireland in the 1980s which called out bishops for what they were doing and I got letters saying "how dare you criticize a bishop, our anointed ones." Look at Ireland today. Enough said.
ReplyDeleteHow can I contact Fr. Haley?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, Fr. Haley asked me not to give out his contact information. I'll ask him again and see if he has changed his mind.